
snoqualmie falls.

One of the most beautiful places I've been.

After trekking up to Seattle and meeting up with Melissa and Andrew (who were passing through on their summer road trip), Micah and I headed out to his aunt and uncle's house a little outside the city. Micah's uncle played tour guide, taking us to dinner, around some of the area's wineries, and finally to a well-visited little spot called snoqualmie falls.

Just the drive up there was absolutely mesmerizing. The green forests seem enchanted.

When Micah's uncle said he was taking us to see a waterfall, what came to mind were all the pretty (and small) ones I had been to before. I had no idea that this waterfall would be breathtaking. That the power of the water would be visible as it rushed over the rocks' ledge. And yet, there would be a gentleness to it, felt as its mist rose to meet the onlookers.

I can't even accurately describe the beauty and the pictures don't come close to doing it justice.

Nature often seems simplistic, but really, I think it is more detailed than one could recount.

I tried to soak in those moments of tranquility as I stood there overlooking the strength and goodness of nature. Even though I know deep down inside I will probably always be a city person, there's something inspiring about being far removed.

We stayed there as the sun set, and the dusk added yet another layer of whimsical attraction.

It got a little cold, so I was glad Micah's uncle came prepared with a blanket.

I'm ready to go back. And lucky for everyone (and by everyone, I mean really rich people), there's a spa/hotel right above the falls and who wouldn't want to relax and wake up to that sight in the morning?

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