
emily + chris.

On 7.11.2010 in a small little town nestled in the mountains of Colorado, I got to see Emily and Chris become newlyweds!
And she looked gorgeous.

You know how sometimes you go to a wedding and the location and ambiance just simply and perfectly reflect the couple? Well, this was one of those times.

And, I just love this picture of them. It's almost like it's just the two of them sharing their own moment, instead of standing in front of a crowd of their family and friends.

Love this one too!

I've known Emily for six years, when we met studying abroad in Spain. And, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that we both learned a lot during those 5 months. And, I'm so thankful that Emily was there to experience all those changes and questions with me, even more so that our friendship has continued since we left. Emily, you are such a unique and strong person, and a beautiful friend.

The father/daughter dance was quite possibly the cutest one I've ever seen. Emily's dad had been taking dance lessons with her mom and it was just so sweet!

(bad picture, I know, but the only one of the 4 of us).

Congratulations Emily & Chris! I'm so happy for the two of you and I wish you all the happiness as you embark on this new adventure!

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