
Have you ever sat in the pilot seat of an army blackhawk helicopter?

It's a pretty cool experience.

One of Micah's best friends from growing up is a pilot for the army, so when we stayed with him and his wife the first few nights we were in Washington, we were privileged to get a little tour of the base. Included in that was an up close experience with a blackhawk.

They are big, really big. And I would not want to fly one. I probably wouldn't even want to be in one when it was in the air. But, they are impressive.

Spending time on the base and with friends that are a part of the army, I can't imagine what it really means to be a military family. The time people spend apart. The restlessness of knowing that you can't settle down in one place for very long. The exploitative nature of the army in that your life belongs to them and (more than) often they could care less about you. It's a rough life, one that I wouldn't wish upon anyone really.

But if I had to be in the army and could choose which base I worked at, I wouldn't mind having this as the backdrop.

Mt. Rainier

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