
a present.

I'm going to get a little out of order here (I still have Chicago to wrap up and document all other summer happens, including Emily's wedding!). But, this year, for our first anniversary, Micah gave me a sewing machine. This may seem like an odd present, but I really wanted one and I'm excited to hopefully use it a lot. He also got me a gift certificate to Fancy Tiger, which I've already spent by taking a sewing 101 class. So, what project do you start after you've taken a beginners class, but still are rather clueless? Well, if you're me, you grab a semi-complicated pattern and dive right on in.

And here's the finished product.

It even has a lining on the inside. I'm quite proud.

The button is probably my favorite thing about it!


vmchechile said...

Forgive me....

I'm SEW PROUD OF YOU!!! It's beautiful and SO CG!!!

cg said...

Thank you! Now, I have to decide what to make next. Any suggestions?