
bedroom revitalization, part 1.

Here's what we started with.
An empty room.

And a bare closet and shelf. (I promise the wall color isn't such a heinous shade of mustard yellow or split-pea green.)

Here's what our bed has looked like since we arrived in July. Just sheets. A) because it's hot, B) because we didn't have a duvet cover for the comforter.

But, then..I found the this pattern from crate and barrel. I hunted it down at an outlet store in New Jersey.

And, lo and behold, it finally arrived in the mail today!
So what did I do? I tore into the box like a kid on Christmas morning, and threw it onto the bed faster than you can say marimekko tamburiini bed linens.

And there you have it, our new bedding!


Melissa said...

yeah for new bedding!!

vmchechile said...

So pretty! It reminds me of the bedroom downstairs in Manchester with my "closet" (aka..the linen closet) upstairs.

vmchechile said...

Blog request: Can we have a full tour of your apartment?