
raised from the dead

Disclaimer: It took me forever to upload these pics, I have no idea why my computer has been anti-blogging.

That's pretty much how I feel after getting over this past week. I was so thankful for a refreshing weekend of sunshine after being couped up in my apartment with what felt like the flu of death. It was great to enjoy the streets of san francisco with my love. Here's some pictures from our roamings.

a little firehouse:

me trying to peer inside:

micah at the lyon steps:

the marina (i heart sf):

the love birds:

And I, of course, cannot forget about this one. This "little guy" was perched above a very lovely house in pacific heights. He's pretty well endowed. I wonder what thoughts have to coincide to believe "this robot would make the perfect addition to our house." I also wonder, "what do the neighbors think?":

1 comment:

vmchechile said...

"Seriously, what's up with that?"--GG, re: endowment boy.