
farewell weekend.

Ok, so it wasn't THE farewell weekend, but it sure felt that way with all the san franciscan activities that I was able to jam into a little more than 48 hours. Before you begin reading this post, be forewarned that it is LONG.

The festivities started at District Wine Bar to celebrate friends Sung and Ryan that are getting married in just 2 weeks!

(photo credit: wwww.sfgloss.com)

Micah and I have rarely visited the SOMA neighborhood, but District was rather hip. It has a rustic, urban vibe. I swirled, squished, and sipped my Cantina Torre Quarto, which the menu dutifully told me had aromas of ripe cherries and a hint of mushrooms and minerals on the finish. Although I don't normally enjoy mushrooms in my wine, I was feeling adventurous and it didn't disappoint!

Saturday, Micah and I continued with the wine theme and drove up to Napa for a picnic with friends (who doesn't love having rich friends with great connections?).

This was no average picnic. It was like a scene straight out of a movie. The setting was William Hill Estate Winery and we sat here at this table:

enjoying this great view:

drinking lots of great wine:

Then we frolicked in the vineyard.

on our path down to the lake to watch Ruby fetch sticks

I obviously was mesmerized by her capabilites

And, I leave you with this photograph that I stole right before we left. Our day was spent in absolute relaxation. The only thing that could have made it more perfect is if it had been 10 degrees cooler. Go ahead, it's ok, you can be jealous!

After arriving back to the city, Micah indugled my glutonous ice cream fantasy. And of course, there's no other place to go (when you have a car that can take you) except Mitchell's. I got chocolate peanut butter ice cream (chocolate ice cream with peanut butter chunks and peanut butter cups) in a waffle cone!

(photo credit: cafelala.blogspot.com)

Saturday night I broke my usual 11pm curfew and went to a friend's birthday party, which started at 10:30 PM even though I had to get up at 5:30 AM for Bay to Breakers! The party was at Slide, bar/dance club.

(photo credit: sf weekly blog)

And Slide is rightly named, since there is a slide entrance into the night club (as in: walk in the door, slide down, arrive at bar).

Sunday was Bay to Breakers. A few fun facts about the race:
1) Second largest race in the world; it has roughly 80,000 participants.
2) The race tradition began in 1912 to boost city moral after the devastating 1906 earthquake & fire.
3) It is one wild and crazy event.

Here's Micah and I at about 6:30 AM, before heading down to the race start line.

Here's our "after face." We definitely were tired after running 7.5 miles, but at the same time it was energizing to have accomplished running our first race!

And, to top it all off, I got this t-shirt.


Melissa said...

ah! such a fun weekend! I can't wait till you're in denver and I can be part of your fun weekends :)

vmchechile said...

I miss being a part of your everyday life.

micah said...

the best part was.... all of it! or maybe napa and b2b... we did it!!!