
the ants come marching...

As I was getting ready this morning, I noticed a small, black ant crawling on my bed. My first thought was, "Wow, I don't think I've EVER seen an ant in San Francisco." My reaction was: kill it and throw it away in the trash. I continued getting ready.
Approximately 4 minutes later, I see another ant. My thought, "How strange." My reaction: kill it and throw it away in the trash. I continued getting ready.
About 1 minute later, I saw 3 more ants spastically running around on my bed. My thought, "What is going on?" My reaction: catch all three, kill them, and throw them in the trash.

After throwing their smooshed bodies in the trash, I turned around and saw about 8 ants crawling on my bed! No thought, except for "FREAKING OUT, THE ANTS HAVE INVADED MY ROOM!" I rush around picking them up, while simultaneously squishing them. Gross!

The entire time I was getting ready, I continued seeing little, black ants. I searched and searched for a source from where they were coming, but found none.
I then arrive to work, but alas found no solace because the ants had followed me there too. I know, I know, it's TOO bizarre. Where are they coming from? I searched my bag to see if they were in there, but I found nothing. Either I'm going insane and imagining the ants, or the ants have decided I am their new queen and are coming out of the woodworks to find me. Neither of these options are good.


Melissa said...

your story is too funny. I am sorry about the ants, if it's any consolation I found out I had bed bugs a couple weeks ago and had to throw away my matress :( Where they came from? No idea.

SMarge said...

Right after I read this last night, an ant crawled across my table in front of my laptop! I haven't seen an ant in my apartment since I moved here!! As far as I know, it was just the one. I too, killed it and threw it in the trash. I hope you get rid of them soon!