
Running Naked.

The Bay. Morning. Running. Cold. Beer. Still running. Costumes and/or Nudity. More beer. Hills. More running. The Ocean.

Sound fun?

I am running a race. Those are words I didn't think I'd EVER say. I'm not a runner. I mean I was the kid in high school that got winded after running from my 1st period to my locker to my 2nd period; did I mention I went to a small private school? However, ever since Christmas, I've dedicated more and more time to my least favorite sport. Anyway, back to my point. Micah and I are running Bay to Breakers. For most participants it is a free pass to drink your sorrows away and keep the party strolling from downtown Embarcadero all the way out to the ocean. But, there are runners too, and although you can bet I won't score first place, I'll hopefully keep pace in front of the real "party-ers."

Here's where you (fellow bloggers and blog stalkers) come to play. I need ideas for a costume. Preferably something easy to run in, i.e. let's keep the furry squirrel costumes to a minimum. Also, I think I'll stick with keeping my clothes on during the run.

Ideas? Ideas?

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