
Julia Child, a vintage Dutch Oven, and Boeuf Bourguignon.

I should be busily & studiously working on my end of the quarter papers, but instead I've decided to take a break and tell you about this past sunday. As you all might know, last sunday was valentine's day. I'm not a big valentine's day person. I don't really like the idea of supplying hallmark's need to up sales on this particular day each year. However, that being said, I'm not anti-valentine's either. If someone wants to give a gift or plan a special night out or throw a party for friends, why not? And now that you've been introduced to my doctrine of saint valentine, I'll get on with my story.
Most of the weekend I spent glaring at a computer hoping words would magically appear on the screen, so that I could inch my way closer to finishing my 6 papers, and ultimately spending spring break in D.C., culminating in my sister getting married. Spring break, please, oh, please come soon!

On Sunday, Micah and I ventured out in the snow [have I mentioned the snow here lately? if not, I'd like to say I much prefer to live in Denver snow than New England snow...since it melts SO much faster]. We went to gypsy house cafe, which is just up the street from our apartment. It's incredibly convenient to have a cafe so close, however, I've had mixed experiences there. You never know if it will be quiet and calm, or if the sisters that own the place will be screaming at each other, or if you'll run into a man that likes to frequently bark like a dog or chirp like a bird. Like I said, you never know what you're going to get. Thankfully, on Sunday, the atmosphere was pretty chill...good, I've got like 60+ pages to write.
As I sat there contemplating locally grown food and it's impact on Mexico's cilantro production (one of my papers), I knew Micah was planning something for later that afternoon, but I would have to wait until then to find out, since it was a surprise. At around 3, Micah took off to wrap up the final touches and I stayed put hoping that I could at least muster up another 2 pages. Which reminds me, if you'd like to know about cultivating cilantro, I'd be happy to tell you all about the type of soil, fertilizer, irrigation, and climate you will need to do so.
At around 4, I packed my things and walked the measly little block back to the apartment. Oddly enough, Micah wasn't there when I got back, but shortly after I received a text telling me he was running a little bit late. So, then, like any sane grad school student with final papers to write, I busted out my laptop again and managed to type up another paragraph or so before Micah arrived home.

"Cover your eyes, I need to set things up."

I obliged, increasingly intrigued as to the rustling of bags and other objects that were being placed on the kitchen table.

Perhaps the title gives away what my presents were that day. But they were:

Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking
An antique (fully functioning) Dutch Oven
And, a night spent collectively making Boeuf Bourguignon
If these seem like odd presents, well, let me explain. Just a couple weeks or so ago I put the movie Julie and Julia on our netflix and guess what, I really liked it. In fact, I would even go so far as to say I was inspired by it. I liked the food. I liked the cooking. I liked the blogging. I liked Julia Child.
It took over 3 hours to make dinner that night, but it was so worth the wait. Even better than the food (which was incredible if I might add), was that Micah knew I would enjoy this much more than the typical romantic date. Thanks, Babe, I loved it!

**I wish the photos actually did the meal justice. It may not look that pretty, but it sure was tasty. By far, the best meal I (or we)'ve ever made.

1 comment:

vmchechile said...

I LOVED Julie & Julia as well and felt the same! Also, I LOVE your cutting board!!! How cool is that!!?!?!?

The meal looks amazing...my taste buds would probably not appreciate it, but...it looks amazing!

Hope you enjoyed your first Valentine's with your husband!