
groundhog day.

The future is foretold (certain creatures have the ability to do such a thing, a groundhog being one of them)...another 6 weeks of winter.

Ever since my future brother-in-law's slip that Groundhog Day was the big, romantic holiday in February [while playing Taboo], a celebration of the occasion has begun to creep more and more into the yearly calendar.

For instance, this year I decorated a lovely piece of cake that I picked up from the grocery store.
And, I purchased Woodchuck's (woodchuck is another name for groundhog) Pear Cider to incite a toast.

I know you're jealous...but, just think, there's 364 days until the next groundhog celebration so you have lots of time to prepare a most festive of parties.


Melissa said...

I love this tradition! I might have to steal it for next year :)

SMarge said...

Very cute. I love groundhog day. For the past 4 years my friend sara has a groundhog day party. This year, it's not on the exact day but I'm looking forward to it this weekend! It's complete with a punxsutawney phil cake, masks, music, drinks and friends. Can't wait. :-)

Anonymous said...

Super cute!

Anonymous said...

Super cute!