
the love of all things "homebody-ish"

Friday-celebrated getting into Denver with a few cocktails from Fly Bar. watched the movie Bottle Shock. drank wine.

Saturday-ate a morning muffin from Apollo Cafe. drank a latte from Mojo. worked on felt & button flowers. did pilates. ate a burger. started an 1000-piece puzzle.

Sunday-worked on the puzzle. ate some eggs. worked on the puzzle. ran on a treadmill. talked with my parents on the phone. ate pasta. watched 2 episodes of gangland on the history channel.

Monday-rode the bus to work. worked. rode the bus home from work. made dinner (soyaki steak & veggie stir-fry). worked on the puzzle. did pilates. worked on the puzzle.

Tuesday-biked to work. worked....

1 comment:

vmchechile said...

I wish I could be there to help with the puzzle...and the flowers...and do pilates...and the wine..well, basically everything other than the steak-like thing. Miss you.