
surviving unemployment.

If you can call watching more episodes of Friday Night Lights then I care to admit surviving unemployment, then, people, I am surviving.

Seriously though. Let me tell you, and not that this is really any unknown news, but unemployment is hard and it is draining and I am discouraged. Because every time I re-write my cover letter and email it off to yet another job, I feel a twinge of hope. Like, maybe this is the one. I think to myself this job sounds so much more interesting than all the ones I've applied to before it. But, then coupled with this twinge of hope, are other thoughts. Because even though this is the best job out there, I need to find something wrong with it, so I can be okay when I don't get a second interview or I don't even hear back from the organization at all. This, friends, is self-preservation. And, I'm okay with it. Because it's allowing me to survive unemployment.

As with most of life's challenges, some days are harder than others. And, on those days in particular, it's a good idea to make cheesy jalapeno beer bread,


or chocolate pie.


Because on those hard days, it seems like I'm not just unemployed, but I'm unemployable.

And then the self-esteem mantras have to make an appearance. You have skills. You have relevant work experience. You have two masters. You are employable.

So, in an attempt at more than just survival and to keep myself from talking to Nora like she's my co-worker, I'm making a grand to-do list. And, I'm posting it here for all to see.

1. Get a job.
2. Read more: Books to finish-Trauma Stewardship by Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky, 7th Harry Potter, and Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. Books to start: Bossypants by Tina Fey and the Hunger Games series.
3. Get outside at least once a day
4. Sew something with stuff I already have
5. Take a class (the Jewish Community Center we joined has lots of free ones)
6. Plan housewarming party
7. Get a CA license
8. Each week send someone a card
9. Keep the apartment clean (You would think someone that spends all day at home could do a little more than their share of this, but motivation in this area is sorely lacking!)
10. Use one of my graduation presents and get a massage
11. Make a food budget (It's so hard to limit, now that we're back in SF)
12. Make 4 more coasters (i.e. getting creative with the ikea catalog, they look like this)


13. Keep up the exercising. Two classes that I've been taking that I really love are cycle sculpt (cycling with the addition of a weight workout) and bollywood dancing (love it!)
14. Create/find a mail organizing system that actually works
15. Blog 2-3 times per week.

On a totally unrelated note, is this dress cute or have I been unemployed too long? I feel as though it could have a number of ill-fitting issues.


Also, if you have any positive advice, encouragement, or to-do suggestions, feel free to comment or send them my way.


Becca {While You Were Napping} said...

get reading the hunger games, like, yesterday!

cg said...

Right?!? I need to get on that pronto!

SMarge said...

Um, okay. I feel way behind on your life. One minute you are in school with no time to blog, and now I see that you have like 100 posts that I've never seen with gorgeous pictures and recipes! YUM- that tart below is making me drool a little bit.

I'm happy to hear you are back in San Fran- Your home! I'm sad to hear you are still looking for work. :/ I hate that. Maybe you could nanny for a spanish speaking family? haha, probably not at all what you want to do... I did a lot of nanny work when I finished school until employment became more consistent-- I had 5 jobs at one point. My roommate put a little note on my bathroom mirror at the time that said to view that time as fUN-employment. haha... I look back on that and laugh and wish I had more free time. But I remember then that I was going crazy!

Check out Tina Fey's audio book 'Bossy Pants'... it's a good laugh! And then dress your cat up and take pictures of her (haha, just kidding). I like the goals you listed above! That's a good plan!

Miss you!

SMarge said...

Oh- and I do not like that dress-- too many lines; it makes me go cross eyed. It would look pretty with your skin tone and hair though! ;)

cg said...

Sarah! Haha, thanks for the feedback on the dress. Yah, I decided against it! Also, thanks for the job encouragement! I can't believe you juggled 5 jobs at the same time. But, you made it work and it got you to where you are now and I'm so proud of you!