
2008 In Review

January: I got my hair cut at a salon that specializes in curly hair. For 2 and 1/2 hours my curls were inspected and cut just in the right place within the spirals.

February: I voted in Super Tuesday for Barack Obama.

March: I went to Yosemite National Park for the first time and celebrated Easter in the outdoors.

April: I was asked by Micah's Dad how many children I want to have.

May: I watched my third year of Bay to Breakers.

June: I went to Yosemite for the second time and climbed Half Dome.

July: I reunioned in the Smoky Mountains (TN) with my family, then I reunioned with Micah's family in Oregon.

August: I interpreted at a civil court hearing for a client.

September: I went to Keith and Leslie's wedding.

October: I celebrated JJ's birth. I visited Denver, CO.

November: I voted and I watched Barack Obama become president-elect. I was proposed to and I said yes. I cheered on my sister and my dad in their 3rd marathon. (November was a busy month!)

December: I survived taking the GRE.


happy christmas eve!

After a nightmare flight (more layover than flight) yesterday, I arrived today in Birmingham at 3:30 AM!! I'm so happy to be home. I'm happy to celebrate Christmas with family and friends (I miss you Micah!).

Cheers to eating cookies, looking at Christmas lights, and watching Will Ferrell play an elf!

Cheers to Christmas Eve!


Micah + CG = 3 years

Today is Micah and my 3-year anniversary. Our relationship has come a long way from when it first began on December 16, 2005.

Being on the Urban Program was one of the best decisions I've made. It allowed me to experience faith in a new and fresh way. It introduced me to the city I love so much. It broadened my understanding of suffering, while expanding my experience of hope. I will forever be thankful to the Urban staff, my internship co-workers, my clients, that crazy person on the bus, and especially my fellow urbanites.

Another special thing about the Urban Program: it is where I met my future husband. Although there was much stress around the beginning of our dating relationship, we made it work. It was a hard 7 months of long-distance dating. It was an even harder 1 month of breaking up. And it was still harder to find our rhythm once we got back together and were finally living in the same city. Suffice it to say our relationship has not been the easiest, but I'm so happy that we are where we are. I'm even thankful for the road that brought us here.

I'm lucky to have my best friend be a part of my daily life. He is the person I want to share my happy news with and the person I want to commiserate with when something is terribly wrong. I love his go-with-the-flow attitude towards life. I accept both his perfections and his faults. I am lucky to have someone who will make me chicken noodle soup from scratch when I'm sick and who will draw me a bath before I take the GREs so I can relax.

I love my best friend.


BIG steps

Goals reached, Decisions made:

1) Took the GRE. I am so, so happy to have this over with. I am excited with me "average" score.

2) Finalized wedding date: June 20, 2009. Mark your calendars.

3) Decided on honeymoon location: Hawaii!

4) Set up final meeting with my church to become a member.


5 hour time limit

What could I get done in 5 hours?

I could take a GRE practice test.

I could bake some cookies, and then some more, and some more.

I could watch a movie double feature.

I could drive to Yosemite National Park.

One thing I could NOT do: Run 26.2 miles.

On Thanksgiving day, I was happy to cheer on my sister and my dad as they ran the Atlanta Marathon. They both did a great job. Here's the picture recap:

the before shot

kristen at mile 8

dad at mile 8

kristen at mile 18

the cheerleaders (aka micah, my mom, and hsiong)

side story: my dad was running a little behind my sister. so, the cheerleaders (me included) went back to the hotel after kristen passed to warm up a bit. about 25 minutes later, my mom and i headed down to wait for my dad to pass. as we walked out of the hotel lobby, i saw my dad passing by. i started running. my mom started running. we ran up a block and crossed the street to cheer as my dad passed! phew, we did it.

the finish line: (kristen ran in with my dad)

kristen's time: 4 hours and 13 minutes
dad's time: 5 hours and 4 minutes

the after shot:

I'm so proud of kristen and my dad. They both did a fantastic job!

and of course who then could forget the traditional thanksgiving feast at the local waffle house:



How amazing are these invitations? I love them. They are very expensive, so I will not be purchasing them. But the wheels are turning. Hmm...so many decisions to make.