
a series of unfortunate events.

(no, not the book)

1. I decide to use the chef knife to cut an onion, which is odd because I am normally wary of gigantic knives that can kill people.
2. After chopping the onion, I set said knife down on the counter by the cutting board.
3. Micah asks to help by cutting the red pepper for dinner.
4. Micah picks up said knife.
5. Knife gets caught on edge of cutting board.
6. Micah accidentally drops the knife.
7. Knife bounces up with incredible strength.
8. I am still standing next to the kitchen counter.
9. Knife slices open my right index finger.
10. Knife drops to the floor (thankfully causing no further problems).
11. My finger is bleeding everywhere.
12. I put finger under water and put pressure on it.
13. Micah and Connor (who was over for dinner) race to grab paper towels and emergency kit to further contain the bloody mess.
14. I keep finger elevated to stop bleeding
15. I bleed through at least 6 sheets of paper towels until bleeding finally subdues.
16. Finger is bandaged and wrapped in gauze.
17. Finger is throbbing in pain.
18. Micah apologizes for the 2,013th time, because he feels terrible for slicing my finger open.
19. I take lots of advil to dull the pain
20. My finger looks like this.
This is my meager attempt at an ok sign...cause really, I'm ok.


lauren said...

this is why i'm afraid to cut anything in the kitchen!

SMarge said...

ouch! :(
I hope it heals quickly. Finger cuts are the worst! boo.

Confessions said...

eeeeek! i actually sliced the pad of my left middle finger clean off once. it really wasn't clean...more blood than i care to recall. matt found me sitting on the kitchen floor, leaned up against the cabinet, nearly passed out. it was a rough one. glad you're okay!!

vmchechile said...