
there once was a bakery.

Once upon a time there was a little bakery in Silver Plume, CO.

It was the perfect little bakery, nestled in the quaintest of mountain towns.

The town boasted of 175 people.

The bakery was worn, loved.

There was a unique feeling that filled the place, as though I was standing in a piece of history. A place that had provided an outlet for community gatherings, a place that united past and current generations.

The aroma was heavenly and so were all the baked goods we purchased.

(me, sandra, kortney, and micah)

And then there was the town church, adorable.

I may have been delusional at the time, but after leaving I declared if I couldn't live in a city, hands down I would pick a quaint, less-travelled town over the suburbs. Would you?


Jobove - Reus said...

explendit blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you

vmchechile said...

I do! If it only had a beach...

Melissa said...

So glad you love my little bread store :) SO many childhood memories connected to that place.

As for the town, it creeps me out..just a little, but I'm very glad you like it :)

cg said...

oh, there's no doubt about it, the town definitely creeped me out. as we were driving up "main st" to the bakery, all i could think about was some horror movie involving a deserted town and a psycho killer man.

BUT, that little bakery sure won me over!