
week in review.

Monday: I went back to school...I'm taking Development, Population, and Environment in Latin America, International Political Economy, and Humanitarian Aid in Complex Emergencies...sounds exciting, doesn't it?

Tuesday: Brought Nora home from the shelter...she's curled up next to me sleeping as I type this.

Wednesday: Melissa and Andrew came over for dinner; I made lasagna.

Thursday: Micah and I cheered on Alabama as they WON 2010's BCS National Championship.
(Special thanks to Mark Ingram for making the win a reality!)

Friday: I bought stuff at the store to make nachos for dinner...Micah, if you read this, hope that sounds good?

In other news, I read an article today on CNN. It reminded me how pervasive domestic violence is in our society. How women and men of all classes, races, ethnicities, orientations, and religions withstand its destructive and often debilitating impacts. The power of threats and ridicule and violence cannot be so nicely contained into a stereotype; and yet all too often attempts are made to do so. Perhaps it is a skewed view I carry, but I find it hard to find the humanness in men and women that brutalize intimate partners and/or family members. So with that said, Mr. fancy attorney that came all too close to killing your wife last night, I hope your actions haunt you. I hope that even with all the money you have to pay your way out of the consequences you SHOULD face, that guilt follows you. And, that if at some point your wife chooses to forgive the unforgivable which you have committed, I hope you remember the blood you drew and the gasps your wife made as she courageously held onto her life. Actions such as yours are disgraceful, and yet they continue to permeate society through and through.

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