

Over MLK weekend, Micah had some college friends in town. We went to Odells brewery in Fort Collins, CO, since microbreweries are the thing to do in Colorado.

I'm not a big beer fan (pass the wine please!), so I just split a flight with Rachel.
I'm really glad Melissa and Andrew came with us, they helped me keep my sanity amongst all Micah's crazy friends!

We took a tour.
And saw lots of metal and wires.
And, the conveyor belt where the bottles are filled.
The cooler (where beer is stored) can be kept at the right temperature in the winter simply by funneling air in from the outside.
Last, but not least, Melissa and I tried to steal a barrel, but it was too heavy (and we thought it might look suspicious if we carried it out).
(sorry the photo's blurry)

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