
thankful in ABCs.

ALABAMA is beautiful and the more I come home the more I appreciate it, the more I love it. I should also mention that the more I'm away, the more passionate I become about Alabama Football. Who knew I could be so vocal about men running around in tights throwing a football? Roll Tide!

I got my BIKE last year and I found a renewed joy in cycling. In San Francisco I biked a lot, to work, to dinner, to the grocery store, or just for the exercise. I may not get to bike all over town in Denver, but I'm thankful for it just the same.

CHRISTMAS is my favorite holiday and it is right around the corner. Christmas lights are strung, garlands are put up, trees are decorated, cookies are baked, hot chocolate is devoured by the truckload. People are generally a little bit nicer. Gifts are given, friends and family are cherished. My faith is replenished.
Santa Claus cookie Ji Hae and I made last Christmas.

It's a good thing Denver's got good Spanish tapas, because that way I can still reminisce about spending a semester in Spain. And you can find that good Spanish cuisine at the 9th DOOR. Tinto de verano? Yes please. Desserts? So yummy!

EARL GREY TEA. Ever had chocolate fondue infused with earl grey tea? What about an earl grey tea latte from starbucks? Or maybe just a simple mug of steaming tea goodness? I have and it is definitely something to be thankful for.

I am unimaginably grateful for my FRIENDS. They give me strength and joy and hope. I am thankful for their consistent support and love. Most of them are spread all over the country, from the South to New England to the Midwest to the West Coast. I miss them terribly. But, I also have some great ones right here in Denver, which I'm also very thankful for.

About a month ago I bought a GRAPEFRUIT RUNNING SHIRT from rei. It is a half-zip pullover. It has thumb holes to keep the sleeves down, and more than that it has built-in mittens. Let me repeat that: built-in mittens. Given the wintery weather of Colorado, it provides much needed warmth.
photo credit: www.rei.com

I miss that 10-day HAWAII honeymoon I had back in June. However, thankfully, the memories and the photographs live on to tell the tale of relaxation and adventure.

As we all know, the U.S. economy hasn't been a booming one. Therefore, Micah's INCOME is a great relief. It is no simple feat to have a job and to have one that is enjoyable and challenging is even more unlikely. I am thankful for Micah's inviting charisma and impressive intellect that got him where he is. And yet I do not want to forget that it is a gift that comes with a great responsibility of helping others.

JAPANESE SUSHI. I'm thankful for the opportunity to get fresh sushi over Christmas in Portland this year!

Sisters are great. I like mine. KRISTEN and I were both home for Thanksgiving this year and I had a great time hanging out, laughing, movie watching, shopping, laughing, cheering, laughing, and eating. For that I am thankful.

LATTES are my favorite. Expresso is so yummy. If you're in San Francisco, go to Blue Bottle or Ritual. If you're in Denver, go to Novo. If you're in Birmingham, go to Urban Standard. If you're in Portland, go to Stumptown. If you're in another city, tell me where I should go to get the best, creamiest latte around!
Latte from Urban Standard, Birmingham, AL.

MICAH. On Black Friday, my family had a mini, pre-birthday celebration for me! My sister got me a headband from jcrew that I saw when we were out shopping. Micah kept telling me he had a surprise for me, but I thought he was joking around. But, come gift time, there he was with present in hand. And it wasn't the present that melt my heart, it was the hoops and jumps he made to make the gift a surprise. I am so grateful for my husband. He is thoughtful and generous; and he loves me to the fullest.

NETFLIX saves me from boredom over and over again. Special thanks to Netflix instant watch!

Winter is the time for OUTERWEAR; jackets are in abundance. Comfy, cozy, cute puffy vests, soft, inviting fleeces, bundles of warm scarves, and sophisticated peacoats are the best.
Birthday present from Micah!

My PARENTS are fabulous. They are wonderful reminders of what it is to love your children. I am constantly impressed and humbled by how much they go out of their way to give my sister and I everything they can, and encourage and appreciate who we are.

Who loves QUESO DIP? I do! One of the things I wanted to make sure I got while I was home was queso (creamy, cheesy, yummy goodness). And, sure enough first night I was home, my parents took Micah and I out for delectable Mexican cuisine. If anyone has a good recipe for queso, I'm desperate here. Denver is surely lacking in their queso-making abilities.

In June I married into the RICE FAMILY (this combines both Micah's mom and dad's extended families). I'm very thankful to have been so welcomed by immediate family, as well as aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. And I'm excited to continue getting to know them.

My home and favorite city in the world is SAN FRANCISCO. Oh, San Francisco, how I love thee. I'm thankful for a place that I know I will always love. I will always have a soft spot for it. San Francisco taught me how to be me. As I've mentioned many times before, I love the environment and the food and the people and I even miss the bus system. I can't wait to go back for a visit (Micah: hint, hint)!
My favorite building in San Francisco, the Sentinel Building.

TEXT MESSAGES. I like getting texts and since I got unlimited text messages I like sending them too. They are a quick, mostly efficient way of communication. Technology may complicate life, but it can also make life more simple and manageable.

The reason Micah and I moved to Denver was so I could attend the UNIVERSITY OF DENVER, and I'm really glad I chose this school. Denver may not come across as one of my favorites, but DU has been an experience that has already opened my eyes wider to the world that surrounds me. I'm a big proponent of education, but I acknowledge that it is a privilege bestowed upon an enormously small percentage of the population. I hope that as school continues, I will reflect more and more on the gift it is to be educated, for it is something that is given to few.
First day of grad school!

VISITS and VACATIONS. In this month of December, I have already been to Birmingham (to visit my family), and I am looking forward to going to Salt Lake City (for a mini-vacation) and Portland (for Micah's family Christmas). Time around family and friends is something I cherish, even though it comes with its own challenges and frustrations. And, vacations are chances to see new things or experience favorite things. Salt Lake will be a new adventure!

WEDDING PHOTOS that I absolutely love. I'm highly photo obsessed and having wedding photos that genuinely reflect the excitement and atmosphere of the day may be one of my most treasured possessions.

X-ING THINGS OFF A TO-DO LIST feels good. I'm thankful for new list makers and notebooks. Planners make me happy.

"Veronica and I are trying this new fad called, uh, jogging. I believe it's jogging or YOGGING. It might be a soft j. I'm not sure, but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild."--Ron Burgundy, Anchorman. I'm usually not happy while I'm running, but I'm thankful for the exercise once I've finished.
Havilah, my Dad, me, Kristen, Micah, and Heather crossing the finish line at the Birmingham Jewish Community Center's Thanksgiving 10k.

ZOO? Really, I couldn't think of another z-letter name. But, I do love animals and I do like the zoo. So, I'm thankful they exist.
Tiger from San Francisco zoo.


micah said...

WoW. It would seem that you have it pretty good!

Confessions said...

love the pic of you and your parents. sweet people. your dad taught me a lot of math. a lot. and your mama was always so sweet. working in the library or the guidance office. love me some farr family....

cg said...

Thanks Katie. My parents are still trucking along at BCS. I think that somehow through all the crazy stories I hear, they secretly love it. (: