
A present and a cheesecake.


This year for my birthday, Micah gave me a food processor, something that I've been wanting for a while. I had talked about buying one for over a year, but had always found a reason not too. Good thing I have someone that is willing to indulge me. And, really, sometimes the best presents are presents that you've written off buying for yourself.

Of course with any new kitchen gadget or electronic, it had to be christened with a great recipe. I chose this Spicy Pumpkin Cheesecake. Boy, am I glad I did. It was decadent to say the least. I pretty much followed the recipe to a "t," so I'm not going to repost it here. But, I will be honest and tell you that this cheesecake almost came to a fatal end.


I made a ridiculously tragic mistake when I read the directions and pressed the yummy crust into my springform pan. Because instead of pressing the buttery, nutty, gingery crust into the pan itself, I somehow read that the whole pan needed to be covered in foil (Let's not go into the details of what had to be going on for me to have come to this decision).


Suffice it to say, I didn't read the directions carefully or thoughtfully enough
and I baked that beautiful crust in a foil lined pan.


And, oh the drama that commenced when I realized this fatal mistake of mine. This poor, innocent cheesecake filling almost got poured down the drain because I was up in arms that I had ruined the whole thing. Good thing I had Micah to talk me away from the edge and convince me to just re-make and re-bake a new crust. And you know what, it all worked out.

(Here I am fake smiling for the camera.)


After letting it cool in the refrigerator for 8 hours,
it was ready to be decked out with maple caramel sauce and topped with toasted pecans.



This really was great cheesecake. Very flavorful. Incredibly rich. And super creamy.
I'm not sure whether or not Micah would say it was worth all the trouble,
but it definitely was a worthy recipe to christen my new food processor.


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