
It All Ends.

Happy Harry Potter 7.2 Day!

Perhaps you should celebrate with a little butterbeer?


I found this recipe through foodgawker, and I thought the slushy aspect of it was quite refreshing.

It's easy to make and tastes amazing, I didn't make any changes to the original recipe.


We are going to a 9pm show of the movie tonight with some friends. It's probably slightly pathetic how excited I am about seeing it, but I will remain strong in my fan dedication. I'm also a little sad about the series coming to a true end...am I alone in my feelings? Anyone, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Fun! I saw a recipe for butterbeer cake that I want to make today. We'll have it after some Quidditch Players Pie.

cg said...

Sorry this reply is so late, I saw both your butterbeer cake/cupcake creations. They looked fabulous!

vmchechile said...

Finally catching up on your blog...

Jon and I rented 7.1, watched over lunch in my old bedroom on the cape and then went to go see 7.2, at the end I said "That was 10 years of my life. Over." Sad.

cg said...

Definitely felt the same thing. Something that you've enjoyed so much just ended. Very sad. :(

On a happier note, glad you're back to blogging!