
The Super Bowl.


Can you guess what team I was cheering for?


It's not that I'm really a Packer's fan, it's more so that I'm just not a fan of rapists (in fact, I despise them), therefore cheering for Ben Roethlisberger was NOT an option. I'm so very, very glad that his team lost!


So, in support of the Packers, M and I made some cupcakes, Green Bay cupcakes to be exact.


They were pretty easy, just a little added step of some food coloring, and then I drew & cut out the letter G and we used it when dousing on green sprinkles.


The remnants of which were kinda pretty.


In other Super Bowl news, I would also like to take this opportunity to publicly slam Groupon for winner of the worst, most offensive commercial. If you haven't seen them, you can watch the Tibetan one here. I must have missed the other two that aired, but I was appalled enough at this one. I mean, really. Really, Groupon? More than one million Tibetans have died as a result of Chinese occupation, and you're going to dare make the comment that at least they still no how to make fish curry and at least you got it half price from a coupon! Unbelievable!

1 comment:

lauren said...

wow. i was busy working on a midterm so i missed that commercial, but how terrible! how insensitive can people be?