
grad school.

grad school=sleep deprivation

grad school=no free time (for blogging!)

grad school=annotated bibliographies and intervention plans

grad school=getting to know new people

grad school=a cluttered, unpacked apartment and a sink full of dishes

grad school=a happy me busting out all my new notebooks, folders, pens, highlighters, and books!!


SMarge said...

Hang in there. The routine will get more familiar and then you'll get use to it. I'm glad you're there and even though it's hard, you are going to learn so much! School will fly by and then you'll have your degree in hand in no time. :)

vmchechile said...

The last line...aren't new school supplies the best!!!

I echo Sarah: It's hard and you'll get into the flow of it. And it will be over before you know it, so enjoy!