
Wine tasting in the fall.


Who knew that vineyards go through such a beautiful process of changing colors in the fall?
New England, eat your heart out.


Thankfully some friends decided to go to Sonoma a couple weekends ago, so Micah and I tagged along and were able to witness first hand the vineyards in the height of fall colors.


It always amazes me when I go up to Sonoma or Napa just how beautiful and rugged and and so-not-city it really is. And, it is SO close. Oh the reasons I love Northern California!


Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.


The leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
by Robert Frost


Seeing the changing colors makes the changing of seasons more tangible, more believable, more real. Sometimes, being in the city, surrounded by what seems to be a constant shade of green, seasons can all too quickly disappear. It was good for me to see the reds and the golds and the purples, they tell me that the end of the year is near. That colder mornings and darker nights are coming. That the holidays are close and with it more purposeful time spent celebrating with those that we are closest to. These colors tell me of the richness of life and the fleetingness of its moments.


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