
biscuit cinnamon rolls.

This past Sunday I woke up and I really wanted cinnamon rolls. The thing is, cinnamon rolls take what seems like forever to make and I wasn't feeling that patient. That, and I didn't have yeast and I didn't want to walk to the grocery store. So I did a quick search on google and came up with this recipe, adapted from here.

Ingredients for dough:
-2 cups all-purpose flour
-2 tbsp sugar
-1 & 1/4 tbsp baking powder
-3/4 tsp kosher salt
-1/4 cup butter
-3/4 cup buttermilk**

Ingredients for topping:
-softened butter (the recipe called for 4 tbsp, which I thought to be a little excessive. just spread a light layer on.)
-brown sugar (I didn't measure, but sprinkle till your hearts content.)
-cinnamon (again, just sprinkle it on)
-you could also add nuts, raisins, etc.

Ingredients for icing:
-cream cheese
-powered sugar
-vanilla extract

**(By the way, you can make buttermilk by adding a tbsp of lemon juice to a little less than 1 cup of milk. I used this method, just adjusting a little bit to make 3/4 cup)

-Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
-Mix together the dry ingredients and then cut in the butter and mix until crumbly.
-Add in buttermilk and mix together to form the dough.
-Roll the dough into a large rectangle, about 1/4 inch thick.
-Spread on a light layer of butter.
-Sprinkle on your toppings (brown sugar, cinnamon, etc.)
-Roll the dough up lengthwise (i.e., you want the roll to be as long as possible)
-Cut evenly into pieces, about an inch thick.
-Place in a round 8-inch cake pan.
-Bake for 16-18 minutes.
-While the biscuits/rolls are baking, make your icing. I totally winged it here. I just added cream cheese, powered sugar, and a little bit of vanilla extract until I thought it was the right consistency and it tasted good. Really, I don't think you can go wrong with those three ingredients!
-Spread icing on all rolls, or do them individually, whichever you please.

I was impressed with these. They really do taste like biscuit cinnamon rolls and for me, a person that loves both, this was a winning combination. And, they were pretty easy to make and did not take near the time normal cinnamon rolls do. So, this is a perfect recipe for when you have a hankering for them, yet lack the energy to go all out.

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